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Ways technology has changed business forever

17 May 2016 6 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
Ways technology has changed business forever

From typewriters, through faxes, to computers and various wearable gadgets, technology always finds a way to sneak into business. Poking core strategies with a finger and kicking cumbersome outdatedness with a leg, technological innovations have managed to drive progressive changes ever since the rise of the Internet and the adoption of smart devices. Arguably, in the early 2000s the business world started to experience a dramatic transformation accompanied by ground-breaking communication- and productivity-oriented principles. Still, the foundation for a drastic alteration was laid several decades before that. Concretely speaking, in the 1960’s the software industry, for example, was in its infancy when it came to its application in different businesses all around the world. Still, the use of computers began to spread, and slowly but surely the practice of using software developments gained more value and greater than before business-relevance.

Organizations realized the positive impact of flexible and less costly technologies, which became one of the reasons they implemented them as standard tactics. Business leaders began to seek computerized alternatives to their current approaches. Abandoning yesterday’s tech yesterday, company owners acknowledged that the present tech had the potential to develop fast enough to grow into an inseparable part of tomorrow’s human behavior. In this sense, digital tendencies started to come out to the surface and replaced the paper-based business fashion that existed for a long time. This way, many corporate environments progressively began to implement more computerized courses of action and software-driven developments. On the whole, from small businesses to big-sized organizations, they chose to rely on machines that could “think” almost like humans. Despite the fact that this is only one of the countless examples of computers’ massive invasion, it still highlights how technology has shifted the business landscape forever.

The question here is what are the technologies that have changed the business world?

The question here is what are the technologies that have changed the business world?

The technologies of change

There have been many technologies that have significantly advanced the business sector as a whole. Some in particular however have a more significant contribution thanks to their impact on not only industries but on our entire society.

  • Real-time Analytics

Real-time analytics has revolutionized decision-making in businesses. Advanced analytics tools enable the collection, processing, and analysis of vast datasets in real-time. This empowers businesses to make informed decisions on the spot, leading to improved outcomes and a more agile response to changing market dynamics.

  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies have transformed how businesses engage with customers. These immersive experiences offer unique ways to showcase products and services. Businesses can create interactive and memorable encounters, enhancing customer engagement and differentiation in the market.

  • Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has reshaped business operations by connecting devices and enabling data transfer. Businesses leverage IoT to gather insights from diverse sources, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. IoT applications range from supply chain optimization to smart manufacturing.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is a transformative force, automating operations and providing valuable insights. Businesses employ AI-powered solutions for automation, data analysis, and decision support. This technology enhances efficiency, fosters innovation, and contributes to better overall business performance.

  • Blockchain

Blockchain technology offers secure and transparent transaction recording. It has the potential to reduce fraud, streamline operations, and enhance customer trust. Blockchain’s decentralized nature ensures data integrity, making it a game-changer for industries seeking increased transparency.

  • Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has revolutionized accessibility and scalability for businesses. It enables data and application access from anywhere, on any device, reducing IT infrastructure costs. Cloud services have become fundamental for businesses aiming to scale operations flexibly.

  • Social Media

Social media has become a cornerstone of business strategies. It provides a platform for direct customer interaction, fostering brand awareness, loyalty, and revenue growth. Businesses leverage social media for marketing, customer support, and staying connected with their audience in real-time.


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Key benefits of technologies in business

There is a tremendous amount of technologies that have changed today’s digital world and business one. But let’s take a look at some of the more specific benefits of these technologies.

Enhancing Collaboration

In today’s dynamic corporate landscape, fostering collaboration among diverse teams is a challenge. Embracing technology, platforms like Trello, Wunderlist, and Asana serve as project management tools. These web-based applications facilitate project planning, task outlining, role assignments, and progress tracking. Compatibility with Android, iPhone, and Windows, along with cloud-based integration, enhances cooperation across different locations.

Adapting to Workforce Agility

The business world is in constant motion, demanding workforce flexibility. Embracing teleworking, employees leverage information technologies to work remotely. This mobility, supported by device proliferation, allows seamless communication between team members and clients, irrespective of their location. Whether in the office or a coffee shop, technology empowers professionals to stay connected and productive on the go.

Customer-focused experience

Technology has become the driving force behind elevating customer experiences for businesses. Innovative tools such as chatbots, AI-powered assistants, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software enable seamless interactions with customers. These technologies empower businesses to engage with their audience in a personalized manner, fostering stronger connections and loyalty.

Automation Revolution

The realm of technology has ushered in a new era of automation, transforming how businesses operate. Tasks that were once manual and time-consuming, such as data entry, inventory management, and order processing, can now be automated. This not only enhances overall efficiency but also results in significant time and cost savings for businesses.

Cybersecurity Imperative

The advancement of technology has brought about a heightened risk of cyber threats. With businesses heavily reliant on technology for various operations, safeguarding sensitive data from unauthorized access is paramount. Cybersecurity has evolved into a fundamental aspect of business operations, ensuring the protection of valuable information and maintaining the trust of customers and stakeholders.

Revolutionizing Connectivity

Recent years have witnessed a transformation in how businesses connect globally. Technology has significantly reduced distances and preserved time, enhancing results. Wearable displays, symbolizing the fusion of tech and corporate realms, redefine communication. Beyond traditional timekeeping, wearables exemplify the tech world’s seamless integration into the corporate domain. The digital universe has allowed us to communicate openly through messaging apps and create actual social networks.

Time and Cost Efficiency in Healthcare

Technology plays a pivotal role in revolutionizing the healthcare sector, particularly in managing vast amounts of data. Despite the overwhelming volume, the right tools and software simplify data management, enabling personnel to extract valuable insights. Advanced technology, such as big data analytics applications, informs better decisions, streamlining tasks and reducing expenses. This not only enhances time efficiency but also ensures quality record-keeping, patient care, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Evolution of Business Models

Technology’s transformative impact on businesses is notably reflected in the emergence of innovative business models designed to generate increased value. This shift is significantly influenced by the widespread adoption of cloud computing. According to a study by Oxford Economics, approximately 44% of enterprises are currently leveraging cloud computing to explore new business avenues. Intriguingly, the report anticipates a notable increase to 55% in the next three years. Companies are moving away from traditional paradigms where a single individual handles all tasks. Cloud computing empowers developers to access applications directly from the internet, allowing them to enhance or customize applications to align with their preferred platforms.

Finally, after the Industrial Revolution the business world remained unchained for about a century or so. Considering how rapidly technology is developing nowadays, it is safe to conclude that’s impossible to happen now. On the contrary. Contemporary business landscapes transform and progress from the ground up due to the array of innovative approaches, trends and developments that emerge all the time. And in case you have any doubts in regards to how business has altered over time, have a look at what we had about 20 years ago. Because of their size and weight, mobile phones could be said to have been used primarily as weapons, no cloud computing existed and there were no wearables that would enable business owners to check their emails on the move. With this in mind, we can say that technology has improved every aspect of the way any business functions. But what’s even more impressive, never before in the history of humankind has such revolution happened so fast.

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