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BGO becomes a Government Procurement Service supplier

16 May 2014 2 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
G-cloud realistic featured

What is better than being on the cloud nine? Perhaps being on the G-Cloud 5! We are more than just excited to share that BGO Software is now on the G-Cloud Framework and becomes a Government Procurement Service supplier. And it is official! After gaining a Platinum Telerik Partner status, this is yet another achievement which transforms into a true testament for our successful development. And since only greater things can beat great things, our company has been approved for the most up-to-date G-Cloud 6 Framework as well!

G-Cloud 5 Government UK Procurement

But what exactly is G-Cloud and why is it so important to us and customers as well? Precisely, G-Cloud is an initiative framework which offers the most updated selections of cloud services available for the public sector. The word “framework” is more generally perceived as a term that indicates agreements with suppliers for a specific period of time. Usually, these suppliers have the function to determine specific conditions as well as terms that must be followed and kept so that purchases can be made. But people should not confuse G-Cloud with other frameworks because there is a notable difference between them. Distinctly, instead of paying for services which bind people to inflexible and long-term contracts, benefiters from the Cloud pay for services as they use them. Such services can be bought through CloudStore which is now known as Digital Marketplace.

G-Cloud & Digital Marketplace

Lastly, it is important to mention that the framework operates within four lots, including:

  • Lot 1: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS);
  • Lot 2: Platforms as a Service (PaaS);
  • Lot 3: Software as a Service (SaaS);
  • Lot 4: Specialist Cloud Services.

Government Procurement Service

Let’s cut to the chase now. The key role and the leading purpose of G-Cloud is to encourage and make it much easier for a number of public sector organisations, local authorities, government branches and NHS to call-off different cloud-based services. But this is not all. This framework also aims to provide UK businesses the necessary package of opportunities that will help them win UK Government contracts. By enabling the public sector companies to access and subscribe to internet-based computing, G-Cloud 5, in fact, excludes the need of investing in in-house hardware and software. The effortless and cost-effective way to access and benefit from computing resources via a framework agreements turns G-Cloud into a commodity-based ‘scaffolding’ that covers infrastructure, platform, software and specialist cloud services. Lastly, the agility, the rapid deployment and the access to innovations guarantees that ultimate value will be taken out and will enhance the quality of service delivery.

HM Government G-Cloud 6 Supplier

Being on the G-Cloud 5, BGO Software is a supplier of IT services. In this sense, when the UK Government and its so called buyers, that are on the G-Cloud as well, are in need of and require something technology-oriented, they can take advantage of our services. The best part? All of the costs and prices are announced and they never vary so customers know what to expect on 100%!

Finally, as a Government Procurement Service Supplier in the United Kingdom and official IT services supplier to the Health Research Authority (HRA) of the Department of Health in the United Kingdom, our company completed HARP project – Health Research Authority (Department of Health UK) in the most satisfactory manner. Stay tuned for our next blog post which will reveal more about BGO’s successful history with HARP.

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