BGO Software Sets up a New Start in a New Office

19 Aug 2015 2 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
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The office place shapes an environment that is alive. It breathes, grows, unfolds and brings employees together. For the last couple of years BGO Software has reached new successful peaks and has become bigger in terms of personnel working for the company. With more people and team members added to our family we stretched out and spread further. Our business strategy, objectives, emphasis and focus shifted from one point to another. From covering mainly various media websites, BGO sprouted to a company that now concentrates largely on unveiling and mastering slightly different potential. That of offering IT consultancy services, coming up with software development projects and taking on other initiatives, including charity events and, even, establishing a Foundation.

BGO Software Office

However, this rapid and well-received expansion came with its own request. A request for more spacious working place that could accommodate not only more people but a multiplied volume of initiatives and ideas. Therefore, in our pursuit for the perfect new “home”, we wanted to find a place that would match our business nature and business models on a far greater level. What is more, our primary goal was to replace the old office with a new one that would present each person with an individual venue for progressing, experimenting and creating. And we believe we managed to do it!

BGO Software Office

Being five times bigger than the previous office, our new working place provides plenty of room for everybody without making them feel like fish stuffed in a sealed tin can. There are spots for every single member. Every one of us occupies a “territory” which enables us to experience ultimate comfort and ease of work from the lobby to the very balcony. Entering the formal area for the first time shapes the impression that one is being in a spacecraft. Moving forward opens a view of the main and biggest part of the office where the fast-raving brains of the staff work at full capacity. And when someone wants to relax and gather more power we have got either the balcony (which reveals spectacular view of the city and Vitosha Mountain) or the playroom where coworkers can challenge themselves on Mortal Kombat.

BGO Software Office

It is true that major changes sometimes can be daunting. Moving in to another office is widely considered to be more stressful and nerve-wrecking than exciting. It is a process which requires time, patience and, above all, organization and planning. But just as any other process it could be split into separate sub-process components in order to facilitate the unavoidable hustle and bustle. In order to cope with the whole chaos we at BGO accepted the relocation as a new chapter of our business lives. A chapter that, in fact, cleared the path for new opportunities and chances to evolve.

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BGO Software

BGO Software is a renowned IT company specializing in healthcare technology solutions. With over 15 years of industry experience, we offer comprehensive technology consulting, software development, and IT infrastructure services. Our focus on healthcare technology enables businesses to mitigate technological risks and accelerate growth, ultimately delivering enhanced value to patients.

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Did you know that BGO Software is one of the only companies strictly specialising in digital health IT talent and tech leadership?

Our team has over 15 years of experience helping health startups, Fortune 100 enterprises, and governments deliver leading healthcare tech solutions.

If you want to explore your options, would you like to book a free consultation call today?


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