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BGO Software’s Basketball Team: Awards, Achievements and Success

29 Jul 2016 3 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
BGO Software Bulls

Supporting talents, creating talents and polishing talents is part of the process when building something meaningful. This is what we at BGO Software are trying to achieve. Some time ago, we shared that we enjoy taking on various projects, each of which being completely different from the one that came before that. So far, we have established NGO “With Love for Bulgaria” that aims to bring a much better life standards and future to underprivileged children and adults. We also support young football players from FC Zlatograd with the idea to help them grow into professional footballers and become just as good as some of the biggest football stars that they know. There are our free Web Academies, one in Plovdiv and one in Stara Zagora, too. They focus on the transformation of the towns into proliferating IT centers in Bulgaria, while simultaneously providing potential IT specialists with an opportunity to acquire, develop and polish their programming skills. Then, there is the basketball team BGO Software Bulls. It is yet another challenging and motivational initiative to both sides. It has the goal to not only back up but also empower and inspire the basketball players.

BGO Software Bulls

BGO Software Bulls is a group of enthusiastic nonprofessional basketball players. Currently, they are part of the National Amateur League of Basketball (NALB). Turning into one of the best nonprofessional basketball teams in the biggest basketball league in Bulgaria, they are literally winning the game! The Bulls have already scored some remarkable results. For example, they won the fourth place during the 2012-2013 basketball championship.

During the NALB championship in Sofia for the 2015-2016 basketball season, the success of the team is even greater. BGO Software Bulls participated in Division II along with nineteen other nonprofessional basketball teams. The bulls scooped a total of 13 wins and only 6 lost games throughout the regular season. That fired them up right to the Division II playoffs, where they finished 9th and got their rightful chance to compete in Division II for the next season as well.

Georgi Georgiev

The number of personal wins proves that even though the Bulls are not professional basketball players, they can jump just as high. Thus, Georgi Georgiev, who is also senior software developer working for our IT company, received the title of MVP (most valuable player) in Division II of the XIV round during the 2015-2016 basketball season. He is also selected as MVP of the month in Division II in February, 2016 and was one of the participants in Division II All Star Game for the season. Nikos Stamulis is yet another great player with great achievements. He was chosen as the most valuable player of round XIII in Division II for the 2015-2016 basketball season. Martin Slavov was MVP of round II and round VII too. Back in October, 2015 he was also selected for the most valuable player of the month.

Last but not least, BGO Software Bulls easily won yet another award. That of being the team with most personal awards for the 2015-2016 basketball season in the second division.

BGO Software Bulls - Georgi Georgiev

On the question of what helped them accomplish such results, Georgi Georgiev answered that “it’s not about being on the court at one time. It is about being there for the team.” As Michael Jordan famously said it; “talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” Thus, a good player is someone who acknowledges his talents, masters them, turns them into strengths and, then, does whatever it takes in order to achieve his goal. But a true winner, on the other hand, is a team-player and team-builder. Quoting Georgi once again, “a true winner is someone who recognizes that the best players in basketball are often the ones who win something bigger than perfect shots. They ‘score’ effective collaboration and mutual understanding above all.”

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