This June, side by side with BBBA (The British-Bulgarian Business Association) BGO Software organised and participated in the first ever IT Roadshow in the UK. Vast series of events took place between the 12th and the 15 of June in London and Liverpool.
As co-organisers of the event and participants we, at BGO Software, were delighted to see the warm welcomе of the local trade committees. The week of the group began with a meeting at Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce where both Bulgarian delegates and local business representatives introduced their businesses and discussed ways of collaboration.
The delegation also visited various events from London Tech Week, the organisers of which helped spread the word about the Bulgarian IT Roadshow. The highlight of the Roadshow in London, however, was the Official Reception at the Bulgarian Embassy
Over a hundred representatives from various UK business visited the reception and discussed collaboration opportunities with the Bulgarian business delegation. The event received the support of Ms. Tanya Koicheva, Minister Plenipotentiary Economic and Commercial from the Bulgarian Embassy, who welcomed local and visiting guests with a speech in the start of the evening.
Purpose of the IT Roadshow
The main aim of the Bulgarian IT Roadshow in the UK was to help establish stronger business collaboration between companies from both countries. UK Businesses had the opportunity to become acquainted with the enormous IT talent pool in Bulgaria, learn about the successful projects and collaborations of the delegates, as well as the possibility of developing their own business in Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian IT Roadshow in Liverpool
The IT Roadshow concluded in Liverpool where the Bulgarian delegates participated in the International Business Festival. During the event Omourtag Petkov, BBBA chairman, held an official session for introduction to Bulgarian business opportunities. The week ended with a visit to Sci Tech Daresbury where the delegates discussed the opportunity of setting their presence in Northern England.
“As а company that has been working with the Health Research Authority (Department of Health, UK) and many private British companies we fully understand the importance of international cooperation. It helps both sides gain know-how and extend their business reach to new markets with less effort than working alone would require. This is precisely why we strongly believe in creating opportunities for people from both sides to meet and discuss their needs. That is how fantastic collaborations begin. The IT Roadshow organised wonderfully by BBBA with our modest support was a vital step to overcoming the invisible mind barriers which physical distance creates. And as we all know these barriers are irrelevant in modern society.” Ivan Lekushev CEO of BGO Software
If you’d like to learn more about the IT Roadshow in the UK, the delegates, and any future events, please visit this link.