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Get to know our CEO: Ivan Lekushev answers 19 personal questions

Updated - 10 Mar 2025 2 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
Ivan Lekushev, CEO, BGO Software, Singer, Vocal

Meet Ivan Lekushev, the CEO and mastermind behind one of the leading Bulgarian IT companies – BGO Software. When we asked him what is like to manage a company that is exposed to constant change, growth and movement, he answered with smile and obvious sense of humor: “You know, it’s a messed up job, but somebody got to do it.” In a more serious manner, as a member of our team, Ivan is responsible for strategic business development and management of the company, finding the right talent and empowering the team to reach its full potential. He believes his mission in life is to help people turn their dreams into reality.

Motivated by setting high goals and achievements, Ivan has a gift to see possibilities when many are unable to do so. As a result, he has initiated and created various business and nonprofit projects as part of his professional career and activities. In addition to leading BGO Software, where he’s been CEO since 2008, he is also a co-founder and General Director of Astra Nova Training, a company that provides online training solutions, and founder of “With Love for Bulgaria” Charity foundation and Bulgarian Clinical Research Network.

He believes that ‘Leadership is about being confident and creative. Most importantly it is about believing in what you do and having faith in people that you work with’

What he does, he defines as smart business – next generation business thinking where business goals go hand-in-hand with social footprints that every company leaves behind.

In short, Ivan is the ‘rock star’ of our company.

So here we go:

BGO Software CEO Ivan Lekushev

  • My favorite moment of the day is every moment of every day
  • The first thing I notice about a person is the posture and the body language
  • The 3 things I cannot work without are Internet, a pen and a sheet of paper
  • My 3 favorite online places are, 9GAG and my email
  • When I am offline, I feel like back in the days when we were mostly offline
  • I love my job because it is exactly as I imagined it to be
  • I get inspired by good hearted and successful people
  • If I had a superpower, it would be super optimism
  • On my nightstand you will find a picture of my family
  • I come to work ready to rock and roll
  • I learn the most from my mistakes
  • If I had to describe myself in 3 words, they would be me being me
  • The strangest thing I believed in as a child is that I could be whatever I want to be, it does not seem that strange any more
  • One person I consider a genius is Elon Musk
  • My favorite quote is (no quotes by Paulo Coelho if possible) “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right” – Henry Ford
  • My catchphrase is Out of your comfort zone is where the magic happens
  • If I win from the lottery, I will most probably build a school
  • If I have to describe to my grandparents what I do for a living  I just tell them that I work with computers and smart people
  • My philosophy in life is Dreams do come true if you keep your focus, stay positive and be patient enough to take one step at a time

Stay tuned for the next post from Meet the team series, where you’ll be able to know more about technical geniuses behind BGO Software and meet Ivailo Ivanov, the CTO and co-founder of the company.

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BGO Software is a renowned IT company specializing in healthcare technology solutions. With over 15 years of industry experience, we offer comprehensive technology consulting, software development, and IT infrastructure services. Our focus on healthcare technology enables businesses to mitigate technological risks and accelerate growth, ultimately delivering enhanced value to patients.

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