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Meet Dimitar Milanov, Software Developer at BGO Software

Updated - 20 Feb 2025 2 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
Dimitar Milanov, Software Developer at BGO Software

Dimitar Milanov works at BGO Software as a Sofware Developer. When he first started his career as a programmer, Dimitar didn’t really know what programming language would best suit him. At the end, he chose to go for .Net and never really regretted it. Still, his experience goes far beyond just programming. He understands not only football but fooSball (or table-soccer) as well. Above all, he is good at fighting the enemy… in computer games.

  • How long have you been working for the company and how did everything start?

I started working at BGO in May, 2014. I was looking for new opportunities and I ended up here. I liked the place and people since day one.

  • What are the biggest challenges in what you do?

The biggest challenge in programming is to manage to see the big picture, to foresee any possible problem and to successfully avoid it.

  • What are the most fundamental skills you should have for your current position?

To be a good programmer you have to be stubborn, logical and consistent. In addition, one should absorb and use the information available online as much as possible. Having an eye for details is also important.

  • As a developer, tell us what it is like to be one.

A programmer is a person who pretends to be creating something complex in front of non-programmers. Still though, any other programmer knows that he just Copy/Pastes from Stack Overflow.

Dimitar Milanov

  • My favorite moment of the day is lunch
  • The first thing I notice about a person is his/her smile
  • The 3 things I cannot work without are Stack Overflow, a bottle of water and logic… There’s logic behind everything so I must find it first before I move on 🙂
  • My 3 favorite online places are JIRА (I hope my Project Manager reads this 😉 ), YouTube and
  • When I am offline, I sleep, play football or eat
  • I love my job because I face new things every single day
  • I get inspired by positive people
  • If I had a superpower, it would be making people better
  • On my nightstand you will find my phone, water and dust
  • I come to work half asleep
  • I learn the most from my mistakes
  • If I had to describe myself in 3 words, they would be positive, logical and honest
  • The strangest thing I believed in as a child was that Abroad is the name of a country where others lived
  • One person I consider a genius is Zinedine Zidane
  • My favorite quote is (no quotes by Paulo Coelho if possible) At the end of the gamethe king and the pawn go back in the same box.”
  • If I win from the lottery, I will buy a football field for me and for my friends… and I will throw a wild party to celebrate the occasion
  • If I have to describe to my grandparents what I do for a living I will tell them that I explain to computers what they are supposed to do
  • My philosophy in life is if something has to happen, it will


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