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Meet Martin Elenkov, the Project Manager at BGO Software

21 Dec 2015 2 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
Martin Elenkov

Martin Elenkov is a Project Manager at BGO Software. He creates and manages the relationships with key partners and clients, as well as C-level executives within the company. Martin is our change agent. He likes challenges, he is comfortable with change and complexity and most importantly, working under pressure comes natural to him. In short, Martin leads successful deliveries of large software products with ownership of planning, budgeting, and reporting. 

  • How did everything start and how long have you been working for the company?

I first worked in the sales and marketing field, starting from the Level one – Helpdesk. But that helped me a lot in understanding the needs of clients and partners. I continued in the IT industry and improved my leading skills by managing teams of Technical support specialists and Account Managers. Here I am, following the professional path, currently as Project Manager at BGO Software. I have been working in the company for half a year now, but I used to work with Ivaylo Ivanov (CTO), Ivan Lekushev (CEO) and others who are currently part of this team in a previous company (this is how it started I guess).

  • What are the biggest challenges in what you do?

Keeping everybody (Clients, Directors, Team) happy.

  • What are the most fundamental skills you should have for your current position?

Team leadership, being organized and of course – sense of humor.

  • As a Project Manager tell us what it is like to be one?

“It’s a kind of Magic”

Martin Elenkov, the Project Manager at BGO Software

  • My favorite moment of the day is seeing the Sparkling yellow fluid called Beer after a busy day in the office
  • The first thing I notice about a person is the shoes
  • The 3 things I cannot work without are clear mind, full stomach, oxygen
  • My 3 favorite online places are my dark little secret
  • When I am offline, I usually spoil myself
  • I love my job because – “like” maybe, love is too strong word, because it is multifarious
  • I get inspired by my daughter
  • If I had a superpower, it would be a huge problem for some individuals
  • On my nightstand you will find little dust I guess
  • I come to work grumpy if I did not have coffee before that
  • I learn the most from my mistakes
  • If I had to describe myself in 3 words, they would not be enough
  • The strangest thing I believed in as a child – Ninja Turtles
  • One person I consider a genius is Peter Petroff
  • My favorite quote is (no quotes by Paulo Coelho if possible) – In 10 years this won’t matter at all
  • If I win from the lottery, I will not tell anybody
  • If I have to describe to my grandparents what I do for a living, it will take me longer than just show them my laptop
  • My philosophy in life is Always find time to entertain yourself
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