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Presentation of the first entirely Bulgarian CTMS to the members of BACR

Updated - 10 Mar 2025 1 min read
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BGO Software The Digital Health Lab
Event with Bulgarian Association for Clinical Research

On the 21st of June, 2018, the evening of nearly 30 of the most valued professionals in the world of Bulgarian clinical trials ended with a business meeting and a cocktail under the title “The clinical trial management systems and their effectiveness and application”.

With the support of the Bulgarian Association of Clinical Research (BACR) two presentations were delivered the offices of BGO Software in Sofia. The first one acquainted the professionals with the recently introduced complete digitalization of the process of applying for clinical trials in the UK. The platform, presented by the architect of the project Jonathan Bell, was developed by BGO Software. Through the so-called “smart” digital forms the system allows each application for a new clinical trial to be conducted entirely online, thus saving the invaluable time of pharmaceutical companies as well as that of the regulatory authorities and the ethicalcommittees. Jonathan Bell provided the audience with details about the structure of the Health Research Authority (Department of Health, UK), and emphasized on the benefits achieved by the implementation of HARP & IRAS.

The presentation of the first fully Bulgarian CTMS (Clinical Trial Management System)

Event with Bulgarian Association for Clinical Research

The next presentation was delivered by Ivailo Ivanov, CTO of BGO Software, who acquainted the guests with the capabilities of CTMS systems, using Clinicubes CTMS as an example. Clinicubes is a product of BGO Software – a system for managing clinical trials which allows allthe interested parties in one (or several) clinical researches to have a single access point in which allthe data from the projects is stored. Clinicubes CTMS is also the only system for managing clinical trials completely translated to Bulgarian.

The evening ended with cocktails, French gourmet kitchen, and a selection of wines, in the company of which BGO Software guests continued their discussion.

The conclusion of the evening was that in today’s digital world the CTMS software is a must have for the success of the companies working in the field of clinical trials.

BGO Software office terrace

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