Global Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Statement

BGO SOFTWARE LTD is a software development company specialized in development of digital healthcare products and solutions partnering with clients and vendors in Europe, UK, US.

This statement summarizes BGO SOFTWARE LTD policies and practices concerning anti-human trafficking and modern slavery.


Our work is delivered by staff (permanent, temporary, agency, consultants, contractors, sub-contractors) and suppliers. In general, our professional services and activities produce a low risk in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking. However, BGO SOFTWARE LTD is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and acting with the highest ethical standards.


Human exploitation is a serious violation of fundamental human rights, manifesting in various forms such as forced labor, servitude, and trafficking. This practice involves the unauthorized deprivation of an individual's freedom by another, with the sole intention of profiting from their labor or services for personal or commercial gain.

Global Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Policy of BGO SOFTWARE LTD seeks to comply with applicable local and international laws and regulations regarding forced labor, human trafficking, and modern slavery including UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our employees and vendors will not tolerate or support abuse of human rights within our business or supply chain and will take seriously any allegations that human rights are not properly respected.

BGO SOFTWARE LTD related policies apply to all business partners, vendors and employees.


All BGO SOFTWARE LTD employees, subcontractors, new hires undergo annual training on the internal corporate policies.

BGO SOFTWARE LTD has the ability to provide additional trainings for employees in higher risk or unique regulatory environments.

BGO SOFTWARE LTD is dedicated to ensuring our employment practices and internal controls protect the rights of all those who work for us.
BGO SOFTWARE LTD monitors social standards in our supply chain and encourages our suppliers to operate in accordance with the same ethical standards BGO SOFTWARE LTD employs.

We encourage our employees and participants in our supply chain to report any instances of human trafficking, modern slavery, involuntary labor, or complicity with respect to any of the foregoing.

Ivan Lekushev

Ivan Lekushev signature

Chief Executive Officer

January 17th, 2024

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